Just saw this hairdresser’s ad that has nailed the answer to the sluggish economy by covering all possibilities: “Now offering Ladie’s Haircuts” Come in apostrophe Man!
Category Archives: Blog
“Elegance of language may not be in the power of all of us; but simplicity and straightforwardness are. Write much as you would speak; speak as you think. Be what you say; and, within the rules of prudence, say what you are.” So said Henry Alford English churchman, theologian, textual critic, scholar, poet, and writer…
Back in 1942, Joseph Schumpeter popularised the idea that creative destruction of economies, and/or sectors of economies, was critical to prosperity and growth. He posited that progress in a capitalist system relied on the destruction of an existing economic order to make room for the next. Capitalism was, essentially, an evolutionary process of continuous innovation….
Andrew Pegler – 27 August 2010 Interest rates will stay steadyish until the end of the year when the economy picks up again and people start buying plasmas, doing those overdue renovations and generally consuming stuff. As you may know the RBA uses interest rates to keep the lid on inflation; raising them increases borrowing…
With a solid banking system, good economic management, political stability, healthy public finances, an open economy situated smack in the middle of Asia’s growth path, we really are the lucky country. Just ask our top ecnocrat the Secretary of the Department of the Treasury Dr Ken Henry. The good doctor sees a very bright future…
This first appeared on the opinion pages of The Melbourne Age Winston Churchill may be well known for the battles he waged in the name of the Allied Forces but it is the lesser known war he declared on the desecration of the English language that still rages. At the height of the Battle of…
On behalf of Captain I gotta Zip and The Sheriff of Nothingham hill I’d like to welcome all Australian’s to Australian Democracy for dummies. A national vote fest that’s doing things with democracy ancient Greek philosophers could only dream off. No this is not about News Limited waving its manhood with menace at the Ruddster,…
This first appeared on the opinion pages of The Melbourne Age EVERY now and then the living are lucky enough to find themselves at the dawn of an epoch. This feeling was palpable in the late 1990s as our best and brightest burned off down the then-potholed information superhighway. Despite this, a web-based company called…
Andrew Pegler was editor of Monash Business Review for three years, which published original research, including fully refereed academic articles, plus case studies, ideas, trends, special events and more. The journal covered business in a broad sense for an equally broad audience ranging from managers to graduates, and academics in management, corporate strategy, finance and…
This article first appeared in the Monash University Business Review The well trodden road for SMEs is littered by the failures and short coming of many who tried and enlightened by the success of those that made it. One thing they all had in common was a set of challenges that could undo the best…