Web Copywriting

Are you getting your new website together or looking to do a refresh? Then don’t forget the words. Not just any words. The right words. When web copywriting is good, your readers can feel the difference. It says professionalism, credibility and authority, and it drives people to act.

Which after all is the name of the game no?

Having well-structured, well-written, persuasive and search engine-friendly (SEO) web copy is one of the smartest business decisions you’ll ever make. That’s why getting an experienced professional web copywriter to do it makes seriously good business sense.

Web copywriters like us!

Our web copywriting turns visitors into customers. And being SEO friendly, it will please both the Google gods and your mere mortal customers. As for tone, our web copywriters can run the full gamut from clever, creative and lateral to straight ahead, corporate and ASX – with everything in between. In terms of style, we tend to prefer conversational web copywriting because it’s how we speak and it tells the reader your web site won’t be dull. We also write for scanners with scannable headings that tell your story to visitors looking for heading that summarise the story they want to hear.

Our regular clients range from small businesses to agencies to Australia’s biggest corporates. And they keep coming back to us time and again for strategic, on brand and engaging web copywriting that delivers.

Our clients include:

Web Copywriting

Here’s some recent examples of our web copywriting work:

Clear Dynamic


Clear Dynamics

The brief:

Cutting-edge software company Clear Dynamics needed web copy that concisely and clearly outlined their offer to the financial services industry. Using a disparate mix of uncrafted information and interviews, copy was corralled and given an engaging, authoritative tone – all the while keeping it as simple as possible. Not an easy task when you’re dealing with everything from next generation artificial intelligence to the latest facial recognition software!

Asia Pacific Group


Asian Pacific Group Portfolio Screen Shot

The brief:

Asian Pacific Group is a 150-year-old integrated property development company firmly bound to the fabric of the Australian property story. This leading Australian property developer needed a complete copy refresh to better reflect recent changes to its operations. Drawing from a mix of director interviews, bullet points and assorted collateral the new copy reflects the gravitas, success and competence of this highly successful company.

Copy sample: 

Asian Pacific Group has an extensive portfolio of Australian commercial, residential and hotel property projects. We pride ourselves on being agile, efficient and responsive. Our business model is anchored in a long term vision that builds on our 150-year heritage. The company’s success has given us enormous freedom to pursue our vision with absolute confidence and clarity. Our strategy of taking a broad geographic focus allows us to go wherever we find suitable opportunities that accord with our long term vision.

Moores Legal


A man in suit

The brief:

Leading Melbourne law firm, Moores Legal, commissioned APM to write plain English web copy outlining its services and explaining its unique agreed pricing model in an engaging way. The copy drew on a mix of partner interviews, attendance at workshops and the finessing of supplied briefing notes.

Copy sample:

Moores Agreed Pricing

Where most firms charge by time, our approach is different. With Moores Agreed Pricing (MAP) you’ll know our fee before we begin work. No estimates. No ranges. No hourly rates.

Before we talk to you about price, we will listen carefully to you and ask the right questions to understand your needs and how we can meet them.  If together, we are satisfied that we can move you to where you want to be, we will scope the work and propose a price.  This may involve giving you some options. In other words, the price will be a function of the scope of the work and the value we anticipate creating; not the time we spend on it.

MAP involves four steps:

  1. We scope out your needs
  2. We respond with a clear statement of scope and a price
  3. If acceptable, we ask  you to sign a formal price agreement
  4. We do what we promised and seek your feedback.

Why MAP?

Frankly, we’d rather spend time helping you realise your opportunities and solve your problems than filling in time sheets. Plus, uncertainty around fees leads to unhappy clients and unhappy lawyers.



Info Ready

The brief:

Infoready is a data analytics company that wanted web copy that explained what it did in a simple, engaging way that would appeal to non data specialists in marketing and related fields. APM’s response was based on interviews with the principals.

Copy sample:

We bring value to your data

Whether you’re a synchronised swimmer, tango mystic or a chainsaw juggler being an expert takes talent and hard work. And we ought to know because when it comes to analysing data we’re one of the best around. Everyone from the CEO to the admin staff live and breathe the stuff. Yep, we’re unashamedly data geeks!

Data analysis is not everyone’s cup of tea. It’s actually a highly specialised niche and one in which Infoready is firmly established. Our skill lies in exploring our client’s data to uncover patterns, discover solutions, and reveal winning strategies (and how to use them) to gain a competitive advantage. We won’t be bringing an army to your project, just a small group of very highly-skilled people. And we’re not in the business of selling IT solutions, we just solve real business problems.

All Good


Choose Language

The brief:

The Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine required material in to easy English for a new website on blood-borne viruses and STIs. It was then translated into 17 languages.

Easy English, which is a style of writing that:

  • is simple and concise
  • focuses on key information
  • uses words and images to help readers understand the information.

Key features of easy English are:

  • simple language and grammar
  • minimal punctuation
  • simple font, layout and design
  • images that add meaning to the text

Copy sample:

How do I get HIV?

You don’t know by looking at someone if they have HIV. People who have it often feel healthy and well.

HIV lives in blood, sexual fluids and breastmilk. You catch HIV if any of these get in to your bloodstream. The common ways to get HIV are from:

  • not using condoms during sex
  • sharing needles, syringes or spoons to inject drugs
  • unsterile body piercing and tattooing or ceremony
  • breastmilk
  • direct blood-to-blood contact e.g. blood transfusions and organ transplants in countries that do not test it for HIV. Blood transfusions and organ transplants in Australia are safe when all rules are followed.